Why Do You Buy a Tile Cutter 254RAI93 S?

Are you looking to tiling your walls or floors? If yes, then you should consider investing in a tile cutter. It’s an important piece of equipment for tiling effectively. Like everyone, you want the perfect finish and a beautiful looking home.

So it’s highly suggested to invest in the right tools to get the job done.When you’re in the market, it might be a little daunting to choose from all available tiling equipment options. If you want a professional standard finish, you won’t want to cut corners. However, laying floor and wall tiles is not an easy task which requires a little bit of experience.


As compared to other tiling tools, (tile scribes, angle grinders) a tile cutter will result in a much more neat and professional tidy cut. As a result, it will leave you with a beautiful looking floor.

Tile cutters or the simple way to cut your tiles in a faster and effective way. So, whether you want a budget-friendly and compact option or need something a little more advanced, you should look no further than the tile Cutter 254RAI93S. It comes with an automatic braking pad which drops down when the handle is raised and flips up during scoring.

This cutter is used for cutting ceramic and Porcelain tiles up to 93cm in length and a diagonal cutting length of 60cm. The latest technology driven pad design provides a superior level of leverage while breaking the thicker porcelains.


The 245RAL93S comes with a cast aluminum board which makes the cutter lightweight. It features a steel rail and roller which ensures enormous strength. The cutting wheel is easily  replaced with a tap out pin making the wheel replacement quick and effortless. It comes with a pivoting fence which can be cut from 0° to 75° with pre-marked stops at the popular angles like 15/30/45 degrees.

One of the smart design features of this tile cutter is a sliding stop which flips out of the way to make any extra cut without affecting your previous measurements. With the spring loaded table and foam extension pads, the tile cutter gives you an alternative breaking method and the right amount of impact absorption. This will minimize tile breakages , especially on the harder porcelains. Cuts tiles up to 25mm thickness.

If you want to check out a comprehensive range of tile cutters, please visit Ceramic Tiling Tools today at https://www.ceramic-tiling-tools.co.uk/


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